
Monday, 11 April 2011

Dollar and Scholar - How?

AIMS India organization, is a group with 200+ members raising funds in US for serving several needy projects in India. They have done nearly hundred projects like construction of rural hospital, school toilets, computer center for schools, training for govt school teachers, donating cattles, small grocery shops, and many more. AIMS runs by the fund collected by the involved members from across USA (mostly). The requirement of a specific project in their native can be given by any member and AIMS checks the genuineness of the proposal and approves funds. The project then gets executed by the person who came with the proposal. The transparency of AIMS is such that the accounting of all the projects are done publicly that they take care every single dollar goes to the people in real need.

Here comes Little drops, a part of AIMS India, which hopes things are possible with a model "A dollar a month" . As the model literally means, members can donate a dollar a month summing up 12$ for a year, which finally serves for people who are looking for help. Little Drops targets for 10,000 members donating for AIMS, which could be calculated 1$ x 12 months x 45 Rs x 10000 people = 54 Lakh Indian Rupees per year. This is what is visualized as 'Siruthuli Peruvellam' (small drops collects to flow into a bigger river/ocean). The collected money will be non-profitably utilized by AIMS for the projects in India.

1 comment:

  1. Good thought and good work.
    Though I may not be able to contribute much. I will do what I can do sitting in india from my home office.
    I can surely contribute $1 or $2 equivalent every month for your good cause. There is always a joy in giving. I have mailed Bala about the same.
    Just let me know.
    send me the bank details in India to my email id :
